Terry A. Dennison

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Professional Biography


Terry retired from Mercer Investments, LLC on December 31, 2016.

As of his retirement date, Terry was a Senior Partner and U.S. Director of Consulting and Global Operations Leader for Mercer Investment Consulting, LLC, Los Angeles, California USA

Terry Dennison was responsible for the direction of consulting for Mercer Investment's business in United States as well as its operations, business process reengineering, and outsourcing globally.  Terry was also responsible for Mercer Investments operations in India with 100 Indian employees.


In his 44 year career in the investment industry, Terry has had the opportunity to develop a broad and deep knowledge of all aspects of investment management.  Before joining Mercer Investments in 1988, Terry was the chief information officer for Wilshire Associates, an investment consultancy. He was also previously manager of the Investment Analytical Services Division of the Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company.


Before assuming his U.S. Director of Consulting role, Terry was the Zone Business Leader for the Western United States, responsible for the professional and business aspects of Mercer's investment consulting business for the Western United States.  Prior to his Zone Business leader role, Terry was the head of the Mercer Investment's National Resource Group, which provides core services to the US investment consulting business including manager research, performance evaluation, and technology support.


Terry authored a research paper on “The Persistence of Manager Performance”,  which was reviewed in a front-page article by Pensions and Investments.


Mr. Dennison holds a BA in psychology and an MBA in finance, investments and banking from University of Wisconsin - Madison.  He is a Certified Public Accountant.