Terry's US Patent

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Terry has received United States Patent 4274096 for an Aircraft Proximity Monitoring System.  The patent was granted on June 16, 1981

Click here for a description of Terry's US Patent


Terry's patent has been referenced by 10 subsequent patents including US Patent 7256710 assigned to the Boeing Corporation for the flight management system of the Boeing 777 Airliner

PAT. NO.  Title 
1 7,256,710  Methods and systems for graphically displaying sources for and natures of aircraft flight control instructions  
2 7,203,577  Methods and systems for displaying the source of aircraft control instructions  
3 7,188,007  Apparatuses and methods for displaying and receiving tactical and strategic flight guidance information  
4 7,177,731  Systems and methods for handling aircraft information received from an off-board source  
5 7,148,814  Methods and systems for displaying aircraft engine characteristics  
6 7,142,131  Method and apparatus for displaying aircraft engine characteristics  
7 5,111,400  Automatic integrated real-time flight crew information system  
8 4,835,537  Telemetry burst collision avoidance system  
9 4,688,046  ADF bearing and location for use with ASR and ASDE displays  
10 4,454,510  Discrete address beacon, navigation and landing system (DABNLS)