Computer Languages that Terry has Learned and Used
Since my first programming class in 1965 through the present, I have always been learning and using new computer languages. I have also listed my activity or employer where I was active.
University of Wisconsin - Madison
IBM 1620 Fortran
CDC 1604 Assembler
CDC 1604 Fortran
Univac 1108 Fortran
Burroughs Time Sharing WIPL
Burroughs B5500/B6500 Extended Algol
Burroughs B5500 ESPOL
IBM 1410 Cobol
Continental Illinois National Bank
IBM 360/370 Assembler
IBM 360/370 Fortran
IBM 360/370 Cobol
IBM 360/370 PL/1
Wilshire Associates
Prime Fortran
Mercer Investments
Lattice C
Microsoft VBA
Microsoft Visual Basic 2008/10/16
Personal Interests
Microsoft Visual Basic 5/6
Microsoft C#
Microsoft C++